The Office of Alumni Relations facilitates mutually beneficial connections between Trinity University and its alumni by fostering the ideals of diversity and inclusion, lifelong relationships, and personal and professional growth. We work with the Alumni Association Board to create engagement opportunities for alumni through a variety of communications, benefits, and events.


Ryan Finnelly

Senior Director for Alumni Relations

Ryan provides leadership and vision to expand alumni engagement offerings and support of Trinity through alumni. His role is to guide the Alumni Relations team and support the goals of of the University while empowering the Alumni Association Board.

Ryan Thomas

Director for Reunions, Alumni Recognition, and Special Projects

Ryan engages class reunion leadership throughout the year, evaluates and executes alumni recognition such as Alumni Awards, implements Alumni Weekend plans, and provides leadership to a team of two.

Terris Tiller

Director for Alumni Career Engagement & Networks

Through personalized connections, Terris aims to fulfill the University's promise to guide Trinity alumni toward lives of meaning and purpose by supporting Tigers at various life and career stages.

Amanda Wise '06, M'08

Associate Director for Alumni Regional Programs

Amanda’s role is to initiate and sustain meaningful engagement opportunities with alumni across the country through our regional club program.

Kenneth Caruthers '15

Assistant Director, Digital Communication

Kenneth is responsible for supporting the planning and execution of online communication strategies for alumni, including social media and email marketing, with the intent to create digital engagement opportunities.

Daniel Andon

Future and Young Alumni Coordinator

Daniel’s role is to initiate and sustain meaningful engagement opportunities from a student’s first year through the transition to alumni and into the first ten years out of college. He co-advises the Trinity University Student Ambassadors (TUSA).